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Slavery in Puerto Rico was a very interesting topic to research about these past couple of days. I was able to learn three specific topics specifically about slavery in Puerto Rico. I learned that Slavery was based off of race and the color of an individual's skin. I also was able to learn the things that Puerto Ricans still use to this day from there African descendants. Slavery in Puerto Rico was something new to me because I have not heard of slavery in Puerto Rico before

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Music In Puerto Rico

Music In Puerto Rico

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Music In Puerto Rico

Music in Puerto Rico is a very interesting topic because I learned that most of the music that we may hear today that sounds like spanish music was originated from the African slaves that were brought to the Puerto Rican Island. One of the many types of music that Puerto Ricans make is called Bomba y plena. This was brought over by slaves who worked on the islands sugar plantations in the 17th century. With this type of music they use a specific instrument, they use a barrel-shaped drums covered with tightly stretched animal skins and it's also played by hand. This was very interesting to learn because I was never aware of all the things that the people in Puerto Rico today actually take from the African slaves  that use to be on the island in the 17th century.

Music In Puerto Rico

Music In Puerto Rico

Music in Puerto Rico is a very interesting topic because I learned that most of the music that we may hear today that sounds like spanish music was originated from the African slaves that were brought to the Puerto Rican Island. One of the many types of music that Puerto Ricans make is called Bomba y plena. This was brought over by slaves who worked on the islands sugar plantations in the 17th century. With this type of music they use a specific instrument, they use a barrel-shaped drums covered with tightly stretched animal skins and it's also played by hand. This was very interesting to learn because I was never aware of all the things that the people in Puerto Rico today actually take from the African slaves  that use to be on the island in the 17th century.


Slave Revolutions In Puerto Rico

The continent born Africans were named bozales. The slaves were coming up with an idea to revolt against the authorities. In the article “Reviews of slave revolts in puerto rico” it states that the slaves had been planning on revolting against the authorities.It states that the amount of slaves tripled and they were trying to over power the authorities. In the text it states “When the number of bozales and enslaved blacks tripled in the southern district of Guayama, the authorities discovered the slaves making plans” It then goes on to say “The plan was to have as many enslaved Afro Puerto Ricans as possible  to rise up and kill there enslavers.”This clearly shows that the slaves in Puerto Rico had a goal to rise up and to get out of slavery. There plan was actually smart which ls shows the intelligence that they had at the time was perfect.

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Between the dates 1530 and 1553 about 1,500 slaves were brought to Puerto Rico. In 1846 the slave population reached its maximum of 51,265. Puerto Rico is not really known to have a very high rate of slavery in its island. It states that on “March 22nd, 1873 slavery was abolished in Puerto Rico.” No only was there not a high population of slaves in Puerto Rico the time span that slavery actually existed in Puerto Rico was very short compared to the many other places that had slavery.

Slavery In Puerto Rico

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